Easitill Ltd

The Waterzoo

The Waterzoo is Peterborough’s longest established aquatic retailer with over 250 aquariums full of healthy fish.

They have been voted “Best Aquatic Shop in the East” in 2016/17, 2012/13, 2011/12 by readers in Practical Fish Keeping magazine.

Established in 1986, The Waterzoo had one objective; be the best aquatic shop in the area.
As the business grew, they recognised that to keep being the best, they needed an EPoS solution to help them.

Easitill EPoS & Retail Solutions

Easitill and The Waterzoo have been working together now for 15 years. Aswell as using our Easitill Till systems for all this time, they recently re-launched their fully mobile-friendly Easitill built website. The mobile-friendly website allows them give a better service to those who wish to buy online and keeps the site modern, fresh and


The full ecommerce site is used to promote products and services but is also used to offer fish keeping advice and offers and extensive FAQ section, making it a destination site for the avid fish keeper.

Book a free demo

Discover firsthand how Easitill’s EPOS software can transform your retail or hospitality business.

Our experts will walk you through everything, answering questions along the way, so you can see why Easitill is trusted by businesses across the UK. Ready to unlock the full potential of your operations? Schedule your demo today and experience the difference!