Easitill work with many Equestrian retail businesses and as such we have worked with them to develop features within our EPoS system to suit the equestrian market. Here you will find some of the features that help our existing customers and could also help you.
With Easitill’s Wormer Records Module, you can keep records of who buys which licensed animal health products and the batch number so if there is a recall, you can quickly run a report to show you who you need to contact. With the facility to store extra product information such as administering advice and dosage information that can print out at the bottom of the till receipt or on a separate sheet of A4 paper, helping your customers couldn’t be easier.
Easitill’s colour and size matrix allows you to easily manage products with variations in colour and size such as clothing by having the facility to display every variation of a product on a single screen. From here you can place orders, edit details and print labels for products that already exist and also add new variations quickly by adding a new colour to the list.
Using integrated weighing scales along with Easitill’s Linked Records and Units of Measure capabilities allows you to easily manage stock of products bought and sold by weight rather than unit.
Easitill’s Linked Records function is a method of keeping stock of a larger item whilst selling it in one or more smaller quantities. For example you might buy animal feed in 25kg sacks and then sell it as a whole bag, loose and in 1kg and 5kg bags. Easitill records the sales of the smaller amounts and removes the correct amount of stock from the stock record, in this case the 25kg sack.
Easitill also has the facility to store products with a variety of units of measure so you can stock your products by length, area, volume and weight. The units of measure function also allows you to buy in one denomination and sell in another. This can be used with a weighing scale plugged into the till so that customers can pick their own products that are then weighed using the scale and communicated to the till that knows how much to charge per kilogram.
Easitill can manage the sale of used goods where VAT is only paid on the profit of the sale of an item. This is useful for shops that sell pre-owned items such as saddles. This is also used in conjunction with part exchanging functions available in the till.